Weekend at Košice
To get away from our students, see a bit of the country, and to visit some friends, Sepp and I went to Košice this past weekend. The original point in going was to run a fourth of a marathon. As you shall see, that did not happen, but I still had tons of fun!
We left on Friday with an overfilled bus full of our students. As we got farther and farther away from Tisovec, the amount of our students dwindled. And, as the weekend was about getting away from the penetrating eyes of the kiddies, that was a blessing. Now, this is not to say that I don't enjoy my students, but sometimes life is hard in a fish bowl. You just want to be an unknown face in the crowd. And luckily Košice offered that!

Upon getting to Košice three and a half hours later, we met with up with Sepp's friend AJ (who happens to be another American teacher but through the Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod) and our hilarious colleague John. John and AJ live in a huge (and I mean huge! It use to hold up to 14 people) flat in Košice and both teach at a bilingual school there. It was so much fun to hang out with John and AJ all weekend. We went shopping, ate tons of food, met a bunch of Slovaks, looked at some art installations, and people watched.
People watching; my new favorite pastime. Ok, probably not since I have been a lifeguard and paid to watch people. But the novelty never wears off! Košice was having a weekend long celebration in honor of the Peace Marathon (that marathon we were suppose to run in). So all the bars and pubs were open late and art installations were put up around the city. John, Sepp, and I didn't really want to walk around and look at all of the art, so we watched all of the people for three hours while AJ checked the art out for us! The weather was gorgeous for a Indian Summer evening and no coats were needed! My findings: 3 pairs of bright red pants, 2 pairs of neon orange, 5 pairs of bright green, 10 of white, 3 hot pink, 4 bright blue, and many many more colored pants. I am thinking it is the season of bright pants!
On Sunday instead of running the fourth marathon, we decided to run a 4.3k. (It was cheaper and less work) Then we didn't sign up in time, 2200 people signed up ahead of us. No joke! Therefore, we all ended up watching AJ sneak in and run it for us. Watching the marathon was a delightful end to a wonderful weekend.
Even though I had a super busy weekend where I didn't plan for any of my classes and I came back super tired and still trying to recover over a cold, I was still strangely refreshed come Monday. My mini-vacation was marvelous!
P.S. These are really all of the pictures I took this weekend. I am such a terrible tourist!
P.S.S. Yes, this post is weeks overdue. I might be a bit behind...
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