It was really interesting to hear all of their experiences prior to and since volunteering at EGT. For many, their experience working for EGT was a catalyst for other international experiences. Many of them since have gone on to be volunteers in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and South Africa. I loved hearing their stories of helping to clean out and build EGT. They were such an amazing group of individuals. I was so impressed that they were willing to give up their relaxing vacations and peacefully retirement to go international service. For most, they are retired individuals or couples who decided that they were sick of not living out their faith. Therefore they came to EGT and other places to not only share God's love, but also to build relationships. For me, this is the ultimate way to build peace, by working with others for one common goal.
I might also have loved their stay here because they brought us presents from the US: Peanut Butter! Genuinely, they were such a supportive group not only to us American teachers, but also, and most importantly, for the students and the Slovak teachers.
P.S. Yes, this is back blogged. I am catching up!
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