Chelsea, Sepp and I all went for an ELCA 'staff meeting' at Liptovský Mikuláš. It was so nice to see some of my fellow ELCA teachers and share our triumphs and our tribulations over traditional Slovak food. I am sorry to say, but Bryndza might be growing on me!
The second picture is of the gorgeous High Tratas from Poprad. They are gorgeous! They are a short mountain range, in regards to the Rockies. But what they lack in length they make up in pure beauty. These Tratas seem to just pop out of nowhere from the plains. Even though I am pretty close to the Low Tratas, they are just hills in comparison.
My next picture shows my excitement of Food Stamps. Once a month, I get a food stamp for 2.89€ for everyday that I worked. These lovely little coupons (I do pay a bit for them), can get me lunch anywhere in the city. But, even better, I can buy groceries with them anytime! It is wonderful! I feel like I am stealing food from the grocery store whenever I use these.
My classes are going wonderfully. And most importantly we have introduced our students to baseball! For the past two Tuesdays at 4pm, we have played baseball until the the sun has fallen behind the hills. I am amazed at how good these kids are at it for playing for their first time! Most of the boys are better than me! I really just like to cheer on my teammates. It is so much fun to play with the only purpose of having a good time.
Other excitements in my life: Nivea cream (the most amazing lotion ever), chinese Tiger balm, Fruit of the Forest Tea with sugar, and my Slovak dictionary.
You might have heard, Slovakia hit the newsstands last week.. It was not in a good light though, the government here failed. Now I really don't understand this nor how the Slovak government works nor what effect this failing is going to have on the people. But I do know that even though the government is no more, everything is still running smoothly and I will not be affected at all. I have been trying to understand it, but I am thinking I need the Slovak Government for Dummies or something. Here is a link to a wonderful article about it: Slovakia to Rescue Eurozone.
Finally Occupy Wall Street. I hope everyone is paying attention to that. I predict big changes are upon us and I must say it is about time. It is moments likes these that reminds me how lucky I am to be born when I was.
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