23 September 2011

The Slovak Accent

Have you ever wondered what accent the people in this region have when they speak English? Well go no further, for I have discovered the perfect YouTube video to show you! 

Sadly, the count is not from Slovakia, he is from Transylvania. The historic border was the Carpathian Mountains of which 17% lie in Slovakia, and 53% lie in Romania (and the rest around that area). So technically, the count could be from Slovakia, but it more likely he is from current day Romania. 

No matter where the count is from, he sounds exactly like all of my Slovak friends. E.X.A.C.T.L.Y. Needless to say, my head was completely blown when I saw this video. 

I am off to a retreat this weekend at a cottage. Wish me luck! It will be quality time with the two other Three Musketeers and nine other students. We are planning the our church mission group for the year. 

Finally, I would just like to declare that peanut butter is the most amazing invention ever and I don't understand why Slovaks don't enjoy it more. Maybe that should be my mission here. Furthermore, it is totally worth waiting two weeks for a box just to have one scoop of peanut butter. It was absolutely delicious!! 

Much Love, 

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