I have hidden away all reminders of red and sunscreen and goggles, stuffed my bag (Yes, one bag!) full of my "essentials", said good-bye to my lovely green chair, returned my library books, and enjoyed some "last" dinners to prepare for jetting across that lovely ol' pond to Slovakia!
I begin my journey on Saturday August 20, when I leave Minneapolis for Chicago, then London, and finally Vienna. From Vienna I will be whisked away to Bratislava (the lovely capital of Slovakia) for a week of orientation. And, approximately, on Saturday August 27, I will be sitting in my new room (which will probably be a mess as one can never pack/unpack without a mess) in Tisovec overlooking some very new scenery and smiling.
Here is a wonderful year in the real world where the grass is green, wild boars are present, Slovak is spoken, and the buildings reek of the past! Na zdravie!
Much love,
P.S. Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I am quite pleased that you stopped by!